Moving house can be both exciting and stressful. To make the process smoother, here’s a comprehensive checklist to ensure you don’t miss any important steps:


  1. Confirm Your Moving Date

Speak to Your Solicitor: Confirm your completion date to know when you can pick up the keys to your new home.


  1. Notify Your Landlord (If Renting)

Inform Your Landlord: Tell your landlord the exact date you’re leaving. Make sure not to give notice until you’ve exchanged contracts.


  1. Update Utility Providers

Gas, Electricity, and Water: Inform your providers about your move. If possible, take your current provider with you; otherwise, close your accounts. On moving day, take photos of the meters in both your old and new homes and provide these details to your energy provider to ensure accurate billing.


  1. Arrange Broadband Services

Current Provider: Notify your broadband provider about your move as early as possible. Switching services can take several weeks, so plan ahead.


  1. Inform the Local Council

Electoral Roll and Council Tax: Register at your new address and update your council tax information.


  1. Update Your Driving Licence

DVLA: Ensure your driving licence reflects your new address.


  1. Notify Insurance Providers

Home and Car Insurance: Update your home insurance or take out a new policy. Also, update other policies like car insurance.

  1. Register with Health Services

New GP: If moving to a different area, register with a new GP. Inform other health services such as your dentist and optician.


  1. Update Subscription Services

Online Subscriptions: Update your address on any online subscription services.


  1. Inform relevant family and friends about your new address.


  1. Redirect Your Post

Post Office Redirection: Sign up for the Post Office’s redirection service to ensure you don’t miss any important mail.


  1. Ask the Seller Important Questions
  • Utilities and Appliances:
  • Where are the gas and electricity meters?
  • Who is the current energy provider?
  • Where is the main stopcock (to shut off the water)?
  • Where is the fuse box?
  • Where is the thermostat?
  • Do any appliances require specific instructions?
  • What day are the bins collected?
  • Do any surfaces require specific cleaning products?
  1. Book a Removal Company

If Necessary: Arrange for a removal company to help with the move.


By following this checklist, you can ensure a smoother transition to your new home. Happy moving!